Specialized Automobile parts maker
prepared in the ECO Friendly ERA

SimwonTech is leading the eco-friendly era

through ESG management


SimwonTech is creating eco-friendly vehicle body spaces for the safety of passengers through various technologies and production processes from continuous research and development.

Product Process 

Simwon Tech's mass production facilities, which were researched and designed to shorten production time, maximize space efficiency, and reduce production costs, provide optimal production conditions that meet customer needs.

R&D Center 

Simwon Tech researches and develops vehicle body weight reduction technology that is essential for producing eco-friendly electric vehicles for sustainable growth.


We are looking for talented people who will share the future with Simwon Tech.

Contact Us

22f, B, 282, Hagui-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 
Management Philosophy
SimwonTech is leading the eco-friendly era
through ESG management

SimwonTech is creating eco-friendly vehicle body spaces for the safety of passengers through various technologies and production processes from continuous research and development.

Product Process

Simwon Tech's mass production facilities, which were researched and designed to shorten production time, maximize space efficiency, and reduce production costs, provide optimal production conditions that meet customer needs.

R&D Center

Simwon Tech researches and develops vehicle body weight reduction technology that is essential for producing eco-friendly electric vehicles for sustainable growth.


We are looking for talented

people who will share

the future with Simwon Tech.

Contact Us
22f, B, 282, Hagui-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 

Add. : 22f, B, 282, Hagui-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Tel :  +82-70-4488-5100

Fax :  +82-31-337-6420

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